Digital Loyalty Programmes and Virtual Cards When deciding to buy a product or service, both individuals and companies are confronted with a number of different opportunities including specialty stores, supermarkets, specialist websites and generalist online stores....
e-payment In the past few years electronic payments have experienced a rapid development supported by the availability of simple, practical solutions integrated within easy-to-use apps.Archeometra has been developing electronic payment solutions for all major...
User Experience Thanks to the know-how gained since the early 2000s, our Design & Development department offers unique expertise in all areas relating to interface design – not only classic web design but also smartphone and tablet apps. In short, everything that...
Geo Store Locator and Location Services The evolution of geo-referencing techniques has made new, powerful tools available to complement stored data with geo-localised information.The field of application of geo-referenced data is unsuspectedly large, ranging from the...
Native and Hybrid Applications + IBM MobileFirst Expertise It was with the iPhone 3G that Apple launched the concept of “smart mobile telephony” in Europe on June 9, 2008. What existed before was only experiments.Within one decade, many manufacturers expanded...
Open-Source Framework Concept Since 1993, Archeometra has developed just under 100 mobile applications and just over 400 web-based applications, in addition to stand-alone apps for system control and low-level automation.Since writing its first line of code,...